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Hangzhou New Asia International Co., Ltd

Showing 11 - 13 of 13, total 2 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

white willow bark p.e extract powder
white willow bark p.e extract powder
Specification: Salicin 20% 15%
Detail: LANT ORIGINAL: Salix alba L. PART USED: Bark SPECIFICATION: Salicin 20% 15% Test By HPLC INDICATIONS: Salicin safely be taken long-term at recommended doses. Higher than commonly recommended doses of this herb can cause st...

milk thistle extract powder
milk thistle extract powder
Specification: Silymarin 80%
Detail: PLANT ORIGINAL: Silybum marianum (L.)Gaertn PART USED Seed SPECIFICATION: Silymarin 80% Test By UV INDICATIONS: It has the functions of protecting liver cell membrane and improving the liver function. Meanwhile, it has the...

resveratrol extract powder
resveratrol extract powder
Specification: Resveratrol 1%--98%
Detail: PLANT ORIGINAL: Polygonum cuspidatum PART USED: Root SPECIFICATION: Resveratrol 1%--98% Test By HPLC INDICATIONS: Antibiotic antivirus , antitumor , resists the hepatitis , suppresses the agglutinate production with plain ...
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